Manufacturer Communications The Manufacturer Communications file contains manufacturer communications received by NHTSA since January 1, 1995. All the records are TAB delimited. Change Log =========== 1. Sep 14, 2007: Changed flat file extension from .lst to .txt. 2. Aug 22, 2008: Field "BULNO" was changed from CHAR(12) to CHAR(16). 3. Sep 18, 2008: Field "BULREP" was changed from CHAR(12) to CHAR(16). 4. May 3, 2024: 1) Renamed this file from "TSBS.txt" to "MfrComms.txt". 2) Renamed and updated existing fields and added new fields as follows. Additionally, the order of the fields in the flat file has been updated. -Renamed "BULNO" to "TSB/Document ID" and changed the length from CHAR(16) TO CHAR(25). -Renamed "BULREP" to "Replacement Service Bulletin Number". Note that this field is deprecated and will not have values for new communications going forward. -Renamed "ID" to "NHTSA ID Number". -Renamed "BULDTE" to "Mfr Communication Date". -Renamed "COMPNAME" to "NHTSA Components" -Renamed "MAKETXT" to "Make". -Renamed "MODELTXT" to "Model". -Renamed "YEARTXT" to "Model Year". -Renamed "DATEE" to "Date Added to File". -Renamed "SUMMARY" to "Summary" and changed the length from CHAR(240) TO CHAR(4000). -Added new field "MFR Internal Campaign ID / Software Version" -Added new field "Communication Type". -Added new field "Mfr Component System". -Added new field "Mfr Component Subsystem". FIELDS ======= Field# Name Type & Max Size/Format Description ------ -------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 "NHTSA ID Number" NUMBER(9) NHTSA identifier for this communication. 2 "Replacement Service Bulletin Number" CHAR(16) Replacement service bulletin number. 3 "Date Added to File" DATE (YYYYMMDD) Date this communication was added to this file. 4 "TSB/Document ID" CHAR(128) Identifier the manufacturer uses to identify the communication and the way it can be located by those searching for it. 5 "Mfr Communication Date" DATE (YYYYMMDD) Date the communication was disseminated by the manufacturer. 6 "Mfr Internal Campaign ID/Software Version" CHAR(128) Manufacturer's unique identifier for the service campaign if this communication is a related one. 7 "Communication Type" CHAR(3) Communication Type. Valid values are below (a link to the valid values will be provided in the future): "SBR"=Service Bulletin / Repair Instructions "SCA"=Service Campaign "WPE"=Warranty Program / Extension "OTA"=Over The Air "EMI"=Emissions "OTH"=Other 8 "Make" CHAR(128) Make for the product(s) involved in the communication. 9 "Model" CHAR(256) Model for the product(s) involved in the communication. 10 "Model Year" CHAR(4) Model Year for the product(s) involved in the communication, 9999 if unknown. 11 "NHTSA Components" CHAR(256) NHTSA Component(s) of the products involved in communications, up to five comma separated values. 12 "Mfr Component System" CHAR(256) Manufacturer's top-level component of the products involved in communications. 13 "Mfr Component Subsystem" CHAR(256) Manufacturer's component subsystem of the top-level component identified above. 14 "Summary" CHAR(4000) Description of the communication’s most pertinent information, any related vehicle component information, and the general purpose for the communication.